Multiple Intelligences

Drawing on my 4012 cross-culture subject, I find myself asking ‘what is the best way students learn, therefore, what is the best way I can teach to ensure my students understand’?

I came across this image during my culture lecture which explained that no student will learn the exact same and that really is the beauty in teaching. There are so many different personalities and intelligence’s that I will come across in teaching and it is my job to try and incorporate them into my teaching and unit plans, but realistically I know I can’t achieve this goal in all areas of learning. I came across Charlotte’s blog post on Optimum Learning Styles and found it quite useful. I also agree that Auditory and Visual learners will learn best by using ICT as they are exposed to different images and sounds on different devices when engaged in ICT. But as a teacher I am aware that I need to also incorporate Kinesthetic learners by engaging them in hands-on activities, interpersonal learners by incorporating group work and collaboration and all other multiple intelligence when considering unit plans and lessons of work to ensure I am teaching students according to their individual learning styles so that all students are engaged in their learning.

If you want to know more on Multiple Intelligence, this website is useful.

Until next time,




American Institute for learning and human development. Retrieved

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